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le forum est enfin ouvert, rejoignez nous ! on vous attend avec impatience. (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 4205011963
n'oubliez pas de voter toutes les deux heures. (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 4205011963
mais aussi de laisser une trace sur bazzart pour qu'on soit toujours au top. (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2509224663
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 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.

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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyJeu 17 Avr - 20:13

Ashton (prénom) Marywell

NOM COMPLET ☇ Ashton Marywell (Ashton peu prendre la forme d'un A.) et le deuxième prénom n'est pas obligatoire sur le forum. SURNOMS ☇ Ash' ou au choix. AGE ☇ 23 ans DATE ET LIEU DE NAISSANCE ☇ aux choix mais doit être à Santa Barbara depuis ses 17 ans. ORIGINES ☇ au choix NATIONALITÉ ☇ Américaine MÉTIER/ÉTUDES ☇ au choix, il peut être encore aux études comme travailler ou même les deux, je n'ai aucune objection. ORIENTATION SEXUELLE ☇ bisexuelle ou homosexuelle STATUT ☇ célibataire mais attiré par Keoni STATUT MONÉTAIRE ☇ modeste TROIS QUALITÉS ☇ franc, sûr de lui et fidèle TROIS DÉFAUTS ☇ très jaloux, égocentrique et arrogant GROUPE ☇ C'est le staff qui décide selon votre présentation CÉLÉBRITÉ ☇ Paynos, non négociable. CRÉDITS ☇ tumblr

L'histoire est totalement libre, j'aime mieux que vous rédigiez l'histoire de votre personnage à votre goût pour que vous puissiez le faire évoluer comme bon vous semble. Par contre, il y a quelques petites choses à respecter. Amusez-vous et faite moi découvrir un personnage haut en couleur.

► il y a eu des complications à l'accouchement d'Ashton, (je vous laisse choisir ce dont ça pourrait être) empêchant sa mère d'enfanter à nouveau. Elle le sut très tard, lorsque tu avais dans les environs de dix ans. Voulant une famille de trois enfants. Elle décida d'adopter deux autres enfants. Les procédures ont duré quelques années.
► les parents du châtain ont adopté Keoni-Kay et Hope lorsque tu avais dix-sept ans, alors que les jumeaux en avaient seize.
► Ashton a toujours pu compter sur l'amour de sa famille et n'a jamais manqué de rien. Il n'était ni pauvre, ni riche.
► vous pouvez lui faire une enfance heureuse, malheureuse.
► il peut être né à l'extérieur des États-Unis, mais doit être à Santa Barbara au moins depuis ses 17 ans. Peut avoir l'origine de votre choix.


Au début, vous aviez une relation fraternelle parfaite, toujours ensemble à rire à vous amusez en prenant du bon temps à faire enrager vos voisins, faire des coups à vos parents. Tout y passait, mais au fil du temps, tu remarquas que Kay s'éloignait de plus en plus de toi sans savoir pourquoi et ceci ne te plaisait pas du tout.

Je n'en dis pas plus, puisque tu vas tout comprendre en lisant mes extraits, mais si tu ne trouves pas ça assez compréhensible, n'hésites pas à me poser tes questions pour que je puisse t'éclairer.

Voici deux extraits de ma présentation :

La rencontre :

L'erreur qui en est pas vraiment une :

Presqu'un an avait passé depuis cet événement. Vous vous ignorez toujours, préférant garder vos distances. Vous n'avez jamais reparlé des événements passés. Mais qu’est-ce que l’avenir vous réservera ? Vous ne le savez pas. Ce qui est certain, c’est qu’il y a bel et bien une attirance malsaine qui vous lient. Par contre, personne ne doit le remarquer. Allez-vous réussir à passé par-dessus et redevenir complice comme lorsque vous étiez plus jeunes ? Allez-vous vous avouez vos sentiments l'un pour l'autre ou encore commencer un jeu de séduction pour savoir qui tombera dans les bras de l'autre en premier ? Peut-être est-ce que ce sera toi qui entamera un jeu pour mettre Keoni mal à l'aise en le draguant, le provocant ? Histoire à suivre...

Vous vous êtes toujours très bien entendu, il n'y a aucun doute là-dessus. Bien que Hope ait été un peu jalouse de toi au début, puisqu'elle avait l'impression que tu lui volais son jumeau, cela n'a pas arrêté d'évoluer entre vous. Vous avez terminé par être très complice. Vous vous aimez beaucoup et cela ne changera pas, tu là considère comme une vraie sœur comparativement à Keoni. Mais un jour, lorsque Kay commença à s'éloigner de toi, elle aussi se demandait étrangement ce qu'il avait. Elle n'aimait pas voir son frère si mal en point. Elle se doutait bien que quelque chose s'était passé entre vous mais fût loin de savoir la vérité. Elle n'arrête donc pas de se mêler de tes affaires afin de découvrir ce qui ne va pas. Parviendra-t-elle à ses fins ? Vas-tu finir par lui avouer que Keoni t'a embrassé il y a quelques mois ? Si oui, comment réagira-t-elle ? Est-ce que votre relation se terminera ? Prends le scénario pour tout savoir.

Dernière édition par Keoni-Kay Marywell le Jeu 24 Avr - 19:23, édité 20 fois
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyJeu 17 Avr - 20:13

Coucou, toi (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 133777837  

Tout d'abord, je te remercie de t'intéresser à mon scénario, sache que ... JOTEMDEJA !  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 776289498  Bien évidemment, à chaque scénario ses conditions.

LE NOM & PRENOM ► Le deuxième prénom est  selon ton inspiration du moment, j'aimerais tout de même que tu garde Ashton puisque c'est ainsi que je l'ai écrit dans ma présentation, par contre, il peut apparaître avec l'initial A. à toi de voir. Le nom de famille doit être Marywell.  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2308382996 

L'HISTOIRE & LE LIEN ► Le lien n'est pas négociable, seulement si tu souhaites apporter une petite touche personnelle à celui-ci, pourquoi pas ? Je suis ouverte à toutes propositions. Quant à l'histoire, elle est totalement libre, je te demanderais seulement de respecter les quelques points que j'ai notés.

L'AVATAR ► Je suis désolé si Liam ne te plait pas mais sache qu'il n'est en aucun cas négociable parce que Ziam est djsfhshgshfsfhfs... Enfin, tu as compris, Ziam, c'est la vie.  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 221725602 

LA PRÉSENCE & LE RP ► Là encore, je ne suis pas très exigeante. Je demanderais une présence tout de même active. Je ne veux pas d'un membre fantôme, donc si vous prenez mon scénario connecté, vous au moins deux, trois fois par semaine, si possible. Je comprends qu'il y a la possibilité que vous soyez aux études, que vous soyez en internat, mais n'abandonnez pas le personnage après trois jours.

INTÉGRATION ► Je tiens vraiment à ce que tu sois quelqu'un qui participe à la vie du forum. Que tu n'aies pas que Keoni-Kay dans tes liens. Que tu ailles vers les gens. Histoire que tu n'aies pas que moi, même si je trouve ça flatteur. De toute façon, je doute que là, tu restes sans lien, c'est bébé Liam quoi.  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1830559911  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1919954130  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2958165609 

Bref, sur ces mots, je pense que je t'ai tout dit. Enfin, je l'espère en tout cas.
Si tu es arrivé (e) jusque-là, c'est que le scénario t'intéresse vraiment. Eh bien, qu'est-ce que tu attends ? Rejoins-nous. (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 

Si tu as la moindre question n'hésite pas à me harceler par MP, j'adore est harcelée  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1102414015 

JOTEM TOI PETIT INVITÉ ! ENCORE PLUS SI TU T'INSCRIS !  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014  

À bientôt je l'espère  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2835552036 

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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:38

JE SUIS LA  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 
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Hope J. Marywell
« Hope J. Marywell »
pseudo : QUEEN'B la femme de ta vie.
célébrité : Crystal Reed
crédits : Fallenangel
messages : 295
je suis ici depuis : 15/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:41

OMAGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484
Salut demi frère d'amour (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 4205011963

Putaaaaa j'aime le service express et jotem toi (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2886807954 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2233540120

 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1778210433 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3909180456 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2008307549 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 577472761 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1498440560 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2886807954 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2233540120 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1138773526 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3146235702 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1511859346 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 23481321 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2705399773 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3259050639 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3408370836 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1816988063 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3902309687 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 256957826 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 991859837 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 4080206098 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1315505485 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 145126834 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3083324270 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1541515018 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 133777837 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2862556488 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2509224663 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 788274324 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3364405089 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1778384241 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1023607116 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2210806380 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1102414015 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2308382996 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 4012517212 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 955754209 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2676804347 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2958165609 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 774740139 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3590514196 
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:50

 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1830559911 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1919954130 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 221725602  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2008307549  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3909180456  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1315505485  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 66802269  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1541515018  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 788274324  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2862556488  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1778384241  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1102414015  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 955754209  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3590514196  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3575065717  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2835552036  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2566659637  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2051679719  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2564057345 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1830559911 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1919954130 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 221725602  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2008307549  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3909180456  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1315505485  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 66802269  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1541515018  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 788274324  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2862556488  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1778384241  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1102414015  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 955754209  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3590514196  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3575065717  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2835552036  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2566659637  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2051679719  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2564057345 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1830559911 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1919954130 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 221725602  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2008307549  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3909180456  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1315505485  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 66802269  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1541515018  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 788274324  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2862556488  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1778384241  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1102414015  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 955754209  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3590514196  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3575065717  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2835552036  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2566659637  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2051679719  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2564057345 

Trop happy de te retrouver si vite  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014 Si tu as des questions n'hésites surtout pas  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 23481321 Merci de tenter ce scénario ♥️
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:53

VOUS ÊTES BEAAAAAAAAAAAAUX  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 je fais vite ma fiche, mais je voudrais savoir est-ce que on peut me réserver le scénario ?  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2886807954 
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:54

Mais of course ! Je te réserve ça toute suite  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2835552036 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2566659637 
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Hope J. Marywell
« Hope J. Marywell »
pseudo : QUEEN'B la femme de ta vie.
célébrité : Crystal Reed
crédits : Fallenangel
messages : 295
je suis ici depuis : 15/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 16:55

ET TOI ALORS ? TES SUBLIIIIIIIIIIIME (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 782450090
Il me tarde de RP avec toi omg omg (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484
Du coup, je file te le réserver et ce pendant une semaine. Ca te suffira ? (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2886807954
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 17:00

OWIII  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 Moi aussi je veux rp avec vous deux  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2008307549 une semaine c'est parfait de toute façon j’ai bientôt fini ma fiche  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1541515018 
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Hope J. Marywell
« Hope J. Marywell »
pseudo : QUEEN'B la femme de ta vie.
célébrité : Crystal Reed
crédits : Fallenangel
messages : 295
je suis ici depuis : 15/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 17:02

Déjà ? (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1138773526
Dis moi, t'es humain ? (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 259665839 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2337070060
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 17:04

enfin faut encore un peu de temps et oui je suis un humain enfin je crois  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1541515018 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3259050639 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 17:17

Mais dit donc, tu es l'amour de ma vie dans ce cas... Presque terminé déjà  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1138773526 Tu sais que je t'aime et te chéri le reste de ma vie.  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 221725602 

Dernière édition par Keoni-Kay Marywell le Jeu 24 Avr - 20:42, édité 1 fois
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 17:18

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 578164356 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 578164356 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 578164356 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 578164356 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 578164356 
na. là c'est bon, jm'en vais  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3902309687 
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Hope J. Marywell
« Hope J. Marywell »
pseudo : QUEEN'B la femme de ta vie.
célébrité : Crystal Reed
crédits : Fallenangel
messages : 295
je suis ici depuis : 15/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyVen 18 Avr - 17:19

Dis moi bouclette, t'as des problèmes dans ta tête ? (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1138773526
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 15:12

Vous voulez toujours de moi ?
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Joan 'Joe' I. Dixon-Mills
« Joan 'Joe' I. Dixon-Mills »
pseudo : NJ
célébrité : k. scodelario
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messages : 306
je suis ici depuis : 06/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 20:28

Hello, je suis désolée mais j'étais chargée de supprimer le compte de Keoni. Mais comme j'ai pas été très présente ces temps je n'ai pas eu le temps de le faire. Laisse moi juste en parler avec elle et le temps à Hope de te répondre. Histoire que tu ne fasse pas ta fiche pour rien.

edit : trop tard je crois MDR.
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 20:30

Le souci c'est que ma fiche est déjà terminé mais je comprend
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Joan 'Joe' I. Dixon-Mills
« Joan 'Joe' I. Dixon-Mills »
pseudo : NJ
célébrité : k. scodelario
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messages : 306
je suis ici depuis : 06/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 20:35

J'ai vu ça je suis à la bourre, désolée  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2886807954 .
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 21:12

Non, c'est parfait, je suis là et ouiiiii  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 3159272014 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2705399773 je veux de toi. Plus que jamais je dirais  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 1511859346 
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 21:44

Je suis tout à toi dans ce cas  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 2008307549 
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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyDim 11 Mai - 21:45

Oh yeah  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 182355484 Merci d'avoir pris mon bébé  (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. 788274324 
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Rafael M. Da Cunha
« Rafael M. Da Cunha »
pseudo : FallenAngel.
célébrité : Cody Saingnue.
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je suis ici depuis : 08/04/2014

(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. EmptyLun 12 Mai - 13:50

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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.   (M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out. Empty

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(M/LIBRE) LIAM PAYNE ☇ It's not easy the life, especially when the feelings come out.

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